Saturday, January 24, 2015

6 Ways to Handle Stress

Being a college student, I know the amount of stress I feel can sometimes be overwhelming. Trying to find a balance between going to school, working, and personal life isn't always easy. Then if you're like me, you're so busy that you sometimes feel like you don't even have the time of day to eat and sleep! I'm not super woman, I can't do it all! Believe me, there are times I just want to forget all the things I have to do and just be like, "I'm just going to take a nap."

So I decided to share some thoughts on how to relieve some stress that I have found really helpful for myself. I thought that they might be beneficial for some people as well.

I repeat, do not. This is number one for me, and probably a lot of others as well. We all put off things we don't want to do, and this is something I still kick myself for often since I apparently can't learn my lesson. Whatever you have to do, whether it's homework, studying, cleaning your bedroom, do not put it off. It may not seem like a big deal that you're putting it off until later on when you really need to get it done, but this is only going to lead you to feel completely stressed out of your tree. I don't want you banging your head against the wall wishing you got it done earlier, just do it now. Think of it this way, the quicker you get monkey off your back, the more time you have to put fourth to other things! It's a win-win. I know some people feel like they work better under pressure, but you're still stressing yourself out waiting until the very last second. If you have a lot of time until the dead line, maybe just do tiny bits a day, and soon you'll reach your goal. Probably with some time to spare I might add.

2. Stay Organized
This has been such a huge help for me, especially if you're in school. If you have a ton of quiz dates, homework assignments, etc. It's a good idea to invest in a notebook of some sort or a planner. This will help you tremendously to stay organized. Even if you're not in school, having a planner for birthdays, work meetings, doctors appts. can be a savior. This will help you to manage your time better, and you'll be able to figure out free days to take time for yourself. We all know we need some of that.

3. Keep the Positive Vibes Up
I have struggled with negative thinking throughout the years. It's so easy to get caught up in it. I tell myself I'm going to think positively, but then it somehow turns into my over thinking things, which leads to negative thoughts. Stop. Let me tell you this kind of thinking is literally going to get you no where, and will only make things worse for yourself. Some ways that i have found to deal with this is counting my blessings every morning. Being thankful i have another day to live, i have a wonderful family, my health is good. Simple things like that can really put your life in perspective and make you realize the petty things are not worth losing sleep over. Use positive self talk. If you have something big coming up, repeat one positive thing to yourself. "You're going to nail this interview!" "I've reviewed for this test, i know i can handle it." "My outfit is on point today.".

4. Learn to Relax
Nothing is more important than your own health. You need to find time to relax and de-stress. Listen to some soothing music, pick up a good book, taking a nice bubble bath, or even writing down in a journal. Whatever it is that helps you escape for a little. You deserve to take some down time for yourself.

5. Get Enough Sleep!
There is nothing worse than trying to get up after 5, 4 or even 3  hours of sleep. It just throws your whole day off and you cant focus on anything except your bed. Been there...still there. When you have to be up early, figure out how much sleep your body needs to get and make sure you stick to this bed time! I know this can be easier said than done when you have a lot going on, but trust me when i say it's important. I recently started back at school from break, and let me tell you my whole entire sleep schedule was thrown off. I couldn't fall asleep, was getting up groggy. Not a good feelings. Getting your body into a routine is really helpful and beneficial for your body. You'll start to notice a difference in how you feel!

6. Eat Properly! 
Being properly fueled to handle your everyday activities is something your body needs to get. Make sure you're staying properly hydrated. Water has been shown to eliminate stress, so make sure your body is getting enough of it everyday. Another thing is to start your day off with breakfast. This is a big issue with me since I'm so bad at time management. I'm flying out the door before i even have time to put something in my stomach. Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day because it starts your day off after a long night of sleep. Make time for it, your tummy will thank you later. One last tip is to take breaks in between things you need to do to eat a healthy snack for a pick-me-up. I found for me its better to consume several smaller meals than 3 large ones. Find what works better for you!

That's all for today. Maybe these are things you haven't thought of, or maybe they are something you needed to be reminded off. Hopefully there is something you can take away from this.

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